16 Associative rings and algebras
16Uxx Conditions on elements
16U60 Units, groups of units (29 articles)
Abhilash, Navamanirajan; Nandakumar, Elumalai; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar; Mittal, Gaurav:
Structure of the unit group of the group algebras of non-metabelian groups of order 128.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 150
issue 1,
pp. 1-23
Mittal, Gaurav; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar:
The unit groups of semisimple group algebras of some non-metabelian groups of order $144$.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 148
issue 4,
pp. 631-646
Chen, Huanyin; Sheibani, Marjan; Bahmani, Rahman:
Certain additive decompositions in a noncommutative ring.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 72
issue 4,
pp. 1217-1226
Sharma, Rajendra K.; Mittal, Gaurav:
On the unit group of a semisimple group algebra $\mathbb {F}_qSL(2, \mathbb {Z}_5)$.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 147
issue 1,
pp. 1-10
Mittal, Gaurav; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar:
On unit group of finite semisimple group algebras of non-metabelian groups up to order 72.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 146
issue 4,
pp. 429-455
Wu, Yansheng; Tang, Gaohua; Deng, Guixin; Zhou, Yiqiang:
Nil-clean and unit-regular elements in certain subrings of ${\mathbb M}_2(\mathbb Z)$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 69
issue 1,
pp. 197-205
Bovdi, Victor; Salim, Mohammed:
Group algebras whose groups of normalized units have exponent 4.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 68
issue 1,
pp. 141-148
Chaudhuri, Dishari; Saikia, Anupam:
On the derived length of units in group algebra.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 67
issue 3,
pp. 855-865
Gildea, Joe:
Torsion units for some almost simple groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 2,
pp. 561-574
Tang, Gaohua; Wei, Yangjiang; Li, Yuanlin:
Unit groups of group algebras of some small groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 64
issue 1,
pp. 149-157
Danchev, Peter:
$G$-nilpotent units of commutative group rings.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 53
issue 2,
pp. 179-187
Salim, Mohamed A.; Tripe, Adela:
Idempotents and the multiplicative group of some totally bounded rings.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 61
issue 2,
pp. 509-519
Gildea, Joe:
The structure of the unit group of the group algebra $\mathbb {F}_{2^k}A_4$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 61
issue 2,
pp. 531-539
Chen, Huanyin:
Exchange rings in which all regular elements are one-sided unit-regular.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 58
issue 4,
pp. 899-910
Bashkirov, Evgenii L.:
On groups of similitudes in associative rings.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 49
issue 4,
pp. 525-531
Danchev, Peter:
Basic subgroups in modular abelian group algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 57
issue 1,
pp. 173-182
Chen, Huanyin:
Diagonal reductions of matrices over exchange ideals.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 56
issue 1,
pp. 9-18
Danchev, P. V.:
Direct decompositions and basic subgroups in commutative group rings.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 53-56
Danchev, Peter:
Isomorphism of commutative group algebras of $p$-mixed splitting groups over rings of characteristic zero.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 131
issue 1,
pp. 85-93
Chen, Huanyin; Chen, Miaosen:
Extensions of $GM$-rings.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 273-281
Mollov, Todor Zh.; Nachev, Nako A.:
On commutative twisted group rings.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 371-392
Danchev, Peter V.:
Subgroups of the basic subgroup in a modular group ring.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 55
issue 4,
pp. 431-441
Danchev, Peter V.:
Basic subgroups in commutative modular group rings.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 129
issue 1,
pp. 79-90
Danchev, Peter:
Commutative group algebras of highly torsion-complete abelian $p$-groups.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 44
issue 4,
pp. 587-592
Danchev, Peter V.:
Basic subgroups in abelian group rings.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 52
issue 1,
pp. 129-140
Danchev, Peter:
Commutative modular group algebras of $p$-mixed and $p$-splitting abelian $\Sigma$-groups.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 43
issue 3,
pp. 419-428
Petrich, Mario; Silva, Pedro V.:
A canonical directly infinite ring.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 51
issue 3,
pp. 545-560
Ullery, William:
A direct factor theorem for commutative group algebras.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 33
issue 3,
pp. 383-387
Trlifaj, Jan:
Direct finiteness of group rings - a simple proof of the Kaplansky's conjecture for finite groups.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 31
issue 3,
pp. 427-429