Bicrossed products of generalized Taft algebra and group algebras
The bicrossed products of $H_4$ and $H_8$
Bifurcation of periodic solutions to differential inequalities in $\mathbb{R}^3$
Bifurcation of periodic solutions to variational inequalities in $\mathbb{R}^\kappa$ based on Alexander-Yorke theorem
Bifurcation points of reaction-diffusion systems with unilateral conditions
Bifurcation points of variational inequalities
Bifurcations and biological observables
Bigraphic pairs with a realization containing a split bipartite-graph
Bilinear forms and nuclearity
Bilinear fractional Hardy-type operators with rough kernels on central Morrey spaces with variable exponents
Bilinear multipliers on Lorentz spaces
Binomial sums via Bailey's cubic transformation
Biorthogonal systems and reflexivity of Banach spaces
Biregular and uniform identities of algebras
Biregular semigroups. I
Biregular semigroups. II
Bloch type spaces on the unit ball of a Hilbert space
Blow-up for 3-D compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations
Blow-up for the compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations
BMO-scale of distribution on $\mathbb {R}^n$
The Bochner Laplacian, Riemannian submersions, heat content asymptotics, and heat equation asymptotics
The Bogomolov multiplier of groups of order $p^7$ and exponent $p$
Bolzano's infinitesimal numbers
Book review. A. Kufner, O. John, S. Fučík: Function Spaces
Book review. Alois Kufner, Jan Kadles: Fourier Series
Book review. Fučík, S., Nečas, J., Souček, J., Souček, V.: Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators
Book review. Prague studies in mathematical linguistics 4
Book reviews. Černý, Ilja: Základy analysy v komplexním oboru. (Fundaments of analysis in the comlex domain)
Book reviews. Dettman, J. W.: Matematické metody ve fyzice a technice (Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering)
Book Reviews. EQUADIFF IV. Proceedings