1-1 | Editorial: Fifty years of KYBERNETIKA journal. |
2-3 | Editor's Award. |
4-19 | A study on global stabilization of periodic orbits in discrete-time chaotic systems by using symbolic dynamics. Suzuki, Masayasu; Sakamoto, Noboru |
20-35 | Tracking through singularities using sliding mode differentiators. Castillo-Toledo, Bernardino; Di Gennaro, Stefano; López-Cuevas, Armando |
36-58 | Transformation of nonlinear state equations into the observer form: Necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of one-forms. Kaparin, Vadim; Kotta, Ülle |
59-80 | Robust Observer-based control of switched nonlinear systems with quantized and sampled output. Perez, Carlos; Mera, Manuel |
81-98 | Direct solution of nonlinear constrained quadratic optimal control problems using B-spline functions. Edrisi Tabriz, Yousef; Lakestani, Mehrdad |
99-111 | A separation principle for the stabilization of a class of time delay nonlinear systems. Benabdallah, Amel |
112-136 | Stability of nonlinear $h$-difference systems with $n$ fractional orders. Wyrwas, Małgorzata; Pawluszewicz, Ewa; Girejko, Ewa |
137-149 | Finite-time synchronization of chaotic systems with noise perturbation. Wu, Jie; Ma, Zhi-cai; Sun, Yong-zheng; Liu, Feng |
150-172 | Drive network to a desired orbit by pinning control. Wu, Quanjun; Zhang, Hua |
173-191 | LQR and MPC controller design and comparison for a stationary self-balancing bicycle robot with a reaction wheel. Kanjanawanishkul, Kiattisin |