Asymptotické čáry na přímém konoidu; příspěvky k vlastnostem čar šroubových
Asymptotické rozvoje pro funkce $\zeta(s)$, $\zeta(a,s)$
Asymptotické vlastnosti integrálů homogenních lineárních diferenciálních rovnic 2. řádu
Asymptotické vlastnosti integrálů homogenní lineární diferenciální rovnice čtvrtého řádu
Asymptotické vlastnosti riešení diferenciálnej rovnice $y''' (t)+2A(t)y'(t)+B(t)y(t)-C(t)y(t-h(t))=0$
Asymptotické vzorce Hilbova typu pro ortogonální exponenciální mnohočleny
Asymptotické vzorce pro řešení diferenciální rovnice $y''+f(t)y=0$
Asymptotic lower bounds for eigenvalues of the Steklov eigenvalue problem with variable coefficients
Asymptotic methods for singularly perturbed linear differential equations in Banach spaces
Asymptotic modeling of the transient response of nonlinear Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic thin plates with Norton or Tresca friction by Trotter theory
Asymptotic nature of solutions of the equation $\dot z=f(t,z)$ with a complex valued function $f$
Asymptotic normality of eigenvalues of random ordinary differential operators
Asymptotic normality of multivariate linear rank statistics under general alternatives
Asymptotic periodicity of Markov operators on signed measures
Asymptotic properties and optimization of some non-Markovian stochastic processes
Asymptotic properties for half-linear difference equations
Asymptotic properties of an unstable two-dimensional differential system with delay
Asymptotic properties of a two-dimensional differential system with delay
Asymptotic properties of a $\varphi$-Laplacian and Rayleigh quotient
Asymptotic properties of derivatives of central dispersions of the $k$-th kind for the differential equation $y''=q(t)y$
Asymptotic properties of differential equations with advanced argument
Asymptotic properties of differential equations with deviating argument
Asymptotic properties of dispersions of the differential equations $y''=q(t)y$
Asymptotic properties of nonoscillatory solutions of neutral delay differential equations of $n$-th order
Asymptotic properties of one differential equation with unbounded delay
Asymptotic properties of solutions of a certain third-order differential equation with an oscillatory restoring term
Asymptotic properties of solutions of an $n$-th order nonlinear differential equation with deviating argument
Asymptotic properties of solutions of a second order nonlinear delay differential equation
The asymptotic properties of solutions of differential system of the form $g_i(x)y'_i=u_i(y_i)+f_i(x,y_1,\cdots, y_n)$, $i=1,2,\cdots, n$ in some neighbourhood of a singular point
Asymptotic properties of solutions of differential systems with deviating argument