Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis (2004-2009)
3-11 | Strong versions of Kummer-type congruences for Genocchi numbers and polynomials and tangent coefficients. Cenkci, Mehmet |
13-18 | Some sufficient conditions for zero asymptotic density and the expression of natural numbers as sum of values of special functions. Jahoda, Pavel; Pěluchová, Monika |
19-27 | Discrete limit theorems for the Laplace transform of the Riemann zeta-function. Kačinskaitė, R.; Laurinčikas, A. |
29-34 | Matching local Witt invariants. Koprowski, Przemysław |
35-46 | The joint distribution of additive and complex-valued multiplicative functions. Laurinčikas, Antanas |
47-55 | Discrete limit laws for additive functions on the symmetric group. Manstavičius, Eugenijus |
57-71 | On pseudoprimes having special forms and a solution of K. Szymiczek’s problem. Rotkiewicz, A. |
73-82 | Upper bounds for the density of universality. II. Steuding, Jörn |