1-7 | Locally soluble-by-finite groups with small deviation for non-subnormal subgroups. Kurdachenko, Leonid A.; Smith, Howard |
9-23 | Gaps and dualities in Heyting categories. Nešetřil, J.; Pultr, A.; Tardif, C. |
25-40 | Powers and alternative laws. Ormes, Nicholas; Vojtěchovský, Petr |
41-58 | On semiregular digraphs of the congruence $x^k\equiv y \pmod n$. Somer, Lawrence; Křížek, Michal |
59-68 | A $p$-Laplacian system with resonance and nonlinear boundary conditions on an unbounded domain. Kandilakis, D. A.; Magiropoulos, M. |
69-82 | Regularity for entropy solutions of a class of parabolic equations with irregular data. Li, Fengquan |
83-91 | Central limit theorem for Hölder processes on $\Bbb R^m$-unit cube. Klicnarová, Jana |
93-106 | Estimation of intersection intensity in a Poisson process of segments. Mrkvička, Tomáš |
107-117 | Locally realcompact and HN-complete spaces. Buhagiar, David; Chetcuti, Emmanuel |
119-134 | Removing sets from connected product spaces while preserving connectedness. Henriksen, Melvin; Nikou, Amir |
135-145 | Baire-one mappings contained in a usco map. Kalenda, Ondřej F. K. |
147-166 | Some versions of relative paracompactness and their absolute embeddings. Kawaguchi, Shinji |
167-175 | Extraresolvability of balleans. Protasov, I. V. |
177-187 | A generalization of a generic theorem in the theory of cardinal invariants of topological spaces. Ramírez-Páramo, Alejandro; Tapia-Bonilla, Noé Trinidad |