Metodické materiály typu nedokončené strategie jako nástroj pro rozvoj schopnosti řešit slovní úlohy (Czech) |
Teaching material “Unfinished strategies” as a tool for developing pupils‘ ability to solve word problems (English) |
Jirotková, Darina |
Slezáková, Jana |
Czech |
Učitel matematiky |
1210-9037 |
31 |
1 |
2023 |
30-47 |
Summary lang:
English |
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math |
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The paper presents teaching materials whose main goal is to enrich the range of pupils' problem-solving strategies and develop their ability to solve word problems and their metacognition. (English) |
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Date available:
2023-07-12T07:39:24Z |
Last updated:
2024-04-01 |
Stable URL:
http://hdl.handle.net/10338.dmlcz/151732 |
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