Point processes
We give a universal discrimination procedure for determining if a sample point drawn from an ergodic and stationary simple point process on the line with finite intensity comes from a homogeneous Poisson process with an unknown parameter. Presented with the sample on the interval $[0,t]$ the discrimination procedure $g_t$, which is a function of the finite subsets of $[0,t]$, will almost surely eventually stabilize on either POISSON or NOTPOISSON with the first alternative occurring if and only if the process is indeed homogeneous Poisson. The procedure is based on a universal discrimination procedure for the independence of a discrete time series based on the observation of a sequence of outputs of this time series.
[1] Daley, D. J., Vere-Jones, D.:
An introduction to the theory of point processes. Vol. II. General theory and structure. Second edition. In: Probability and its Applications. Springer, New York 2008.
DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-49835-5 |
MR 2371524
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Testing stationary processes for independence. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare' Probab. Statist. 47 (2011), 4, 1219-1225.
DOI 10.1214/11-aihp426 |
MR 2884232