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Issue 3,  Volume 44, 2008 (Kybernetika)

297-298 Editorial: Sixty years of cybernetics.  Fajfrová, Lucie; Mareš, Milan; Sladký, Karel
299-306 Sixty years of cybernetics: the philosophical foundations of cybernetics.  Tondl, Ladislav
307-313 Sixty years of cybernetics: from youthful to useful.  Klir, George J.
314-327 Sixty years of cybernetics: cybernetics still alive.  Havel, Ivan M.
328-335 Sixty years of cybernetics: a comparison of approaches to solving the $\text{H}_2$ control problem.  Kučera, Vladimír
336-359 Flow control in connection-oriented networks: a time-varying sampling period system case study.  Ignaciuk, Przemysław; Bartoszewicz, Andrzej
360-372 External properness.  Bonilla, Moisés; Malabre, Michel; Pacheco, Jaime
373-384 Pareto optimality in the kidney exchange problem.  Borbeľová, Viera; Cechlárová, Katarína
385-399 Exponential smoothing for irregular time series.  Cipra, Tomáš; Hanzák, Tomáš
400-415 Stability estimating in optimal stopping problem.  Zaitseva, Elena
416-429 Disjointness of fuzzy coalitions.  Mareš, Milan; Vlach, Milan
430-440 The existence of states on every Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra with at most five blocks.  Riečanová, Zdenka
441-450 New operations on partial Abelian monoids defined by preideals.  Vinceková, Elena
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