Aplikace matematiky (1956-1990)
345-350 | Über die Verallgemeinerung eines gewissen Iterationsverfahrens für die Lösung spezieller linearer algebraischer Gleichungssysteme. Šisler, Miroslav |
351-363 | On non-ergodic versions of limit theorems. Volný, Dalibor |
364-374 | On Maxwell equations with the Preisach hysteresis operator: The one- dimensional time-periodic case. Krejčí, Pavel |
375-386 | Bayes unbiased estimation in a model with three variance components. Stuchlý, Jaroslav |
387-395 | Periodic autoregression with exogenous variables and periodic variances. Anděl, Jiří |
396-401 | AR models with uniformly distributed noise. Horváth, Michal |
402-416 | On some properties of solutions of transonic potential flow problems. Gittel, Hans-Peter |
417-419 | Zprávy. Jindřich Nečas šedesátníkem. Feistauer, Miloslav |
420-424 | Recenze. |