1-4 | In memory of Prof. M. Sekanina, list of publications. Novák, Vítězslav; Rosický, Jiří |
5-12 | Transitive ternary relations and quasiorderings. Novák, Vítězslav; Novotný, Miroslav |
13-18 | Retracts of abelian cyclically ordered groups. Jakubík, Ján |
19-25 | On equality of edge-connectivity and minimum degree of a graph. Plesník, Ján; Znám, Štefan |
27-34 | Tolerances, covering systems, and the axiom of choice. Grätzer, G.; Wenzel, G. H. |
35-46 | Special invariant subspaces of a vector space over $\bold Z/l\bold Z$. Skula, Ladislav |
47-54 | Universality of directed graphs of a given height. Hell, Pavol; Nešetřil, Jaroslav |
55-60 | $D_0$-favouring Eulerian trails in digraphs. Fleischner, Herbert; Wenger, Emanuel |
61-72 | Remarks on Hamiltonian properties of squares of graphs. Schaar, Günter |
73-82 | Median groups. Kolibiar, Milan |
83-87 | Realizations of topologies and closure operators by set systems and by neighbourhoods. Herrlich, Horst |
89-94 | Reflections in locally presentable categories. Adámek, Jiří; Rosický, Jiří |
95-102 | Complete permutability of partitions in a set. I. Ševečková, Jitka; Šik, František |
103-106 | О регулярности элементов релятива. Skornyakov, L. A. |
107-114 | Multiplicative structures over sup-lattices. Pedicchio, Maria Cristina; Tholen, Walter |
115-118 | Representability of concrete categories by non-constant morphisms. Rosický, Jiří; Trnková, Věra |