163-165 | On symmetric generalized uniform spaces. Mozzochi, Charles J. |
167-175 | О дифференцируемости конструктивных функций. Demuth, Osvald |
177-188 | Solving of nonlinear operators’ equations in Banach space. Fučík, Svatopluk |
189-194 | On the limits of the potential of the double distribution (Preliminary communication). Veselý, Jiří |
195-206 | Some notes on various rotundity and smoothness properties of separable Banach spaces. Zizler, Václav E. |
207-216 | A note on uniform boundedness principle for nonlinear operators. Kolomý, Josef |
217-236 | A continuous geometry as a mathematical model for quantum mechanics. Duckenfield, Christopher J. |
237-239 | On $L_p$-estimates for the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems (Preliminary communication). Kopáček, Jiří |
241-260 | On the continuity properties of nonlinear operators and functionals. Kolomý, Josef |
261-284 | Пространства $L_r$ и $S$ в конструктивной математике. Demuth, Osvald |
285-306 | Some remarks on polynomial operators. Burýšek, Slavomír |
307-314 | Concerning the Banach-Stone theorem. Tomášek, Stanislav |
315-318 | A remark on compactness of embeddings. Pták, Vlastimil |
319-322 | A Saalschutzian theorem for triple series. Bhagchandani, L. K.; Mehra, K. N. |
323-352 | Some properties of set functors. Trnková, Věra |