1-6 | Sobolev multipliers. McKennon, Kelly |
7-(27) | Generalized boundary value problems with abstract side conditions and their adjoints. I. Brown, Richard C.; Tvrdý, Milan |
28-35 | Spectral mapping theorem for the local spectrum. Vasilescu, Florian-Horia |
36-40 | Complete extension of a convex function. Nedoma, Josef |
41-64 | On the geometry of a partial product structure. Srovnal, Josef |
65-70 | Zur Darstellung von Polynomen auf De Morgan Algebren. Dorninger, Dietmar; Schweigert, Dietmar |
71-79 | A relationship between a Hankel matrix of Markov parameters and the associated matrix polynomial with some applications. Datta, Biswa Nath |
80-83 | A necessary condition for twin boundary layer behavior. Howes, Frederick A. |
84-97 | On a class of fourth order half-linear differential equations. Cheng, Sui-Sun |
98-107 | A Hille-Wintner comparison theorem for second order differential systems. Etgen, Garret J.; Lewis, Roger T. |
108-117 | Generalizations of the Riemann-Lebesgue and Cantor-Lebesgue lemmas. Kahane, Charles S. |
118-126 | Homogeneous tolerance spaces. Muir, A.; Warner, Mary Wynne |
127-134 | Generalized lattice identities in lattice ordered groups. Jakubík, Ján |
135-141 | The Euler-Fermat theorem for the semigroup of circulant Boolean matrices. Schwarz, Štefan |
142-152 | Isometries of lattice ordered groups. Jakubík, Ján |
153-162 | News and Notices. In memoriam Professor Svatopluk Fučík. Mawhin, Jean; Nečas, Jindřich; Novák, Břetislav |
163-170 | To the sixtieth anniversary of birthday of Professor Marko Švec, DrSc. Kurzweil, Jaroslav |
(171)-(176),(178) | Summaries of articles published in this issue. |