(315c)-(315f) | Summaries of articles published in this issue. |
315-338 | Непрерывность полугрупп операторов в общих операторных топологиях. Sova, Miroslav |
339-362 | Условия дифференцируемости в линейных топологических пространствах. Sova, Miroslav |
363-376 | Les inégalités isopérimétriques pour les courbes gauches. Nádeník, Zbyněk |
377-379 | Infinitesimal deformations of surfaces in $E^3$. Švec, Alois |
380-423 | Exponentially stable integral manifolds, averaging principle and continuous dependence on a parameter. Kurzweil, Jaroslav |
424-445 | Einige Bemerkungen über freie Kategorien und freie Gruppoide. Hasse, Maria; Michler, Lothar |
446-453 | Necessary and sufficient conditions for some convergence methods. Kolomý, Josef |
454-462 | Stochastic approximations in the presence of trend. Dupač, Václav |