[5] | Foreword. |
7 | From the report of the organizing committee. |
8 | List of foreign participants. |
[9] | List of Czechoslovak participants. |
11-14 | List of communications. |
17-21 | Remarks on an algebraic structure for a topology. Abbott, J. C. |
22-24 | О розмерности $\text{dm}$ топологических пространств. Adnadjević, D. |
25-30 | Projection-spectra. Alexandroff, P.; Ponomarev, V. |
31-38 | Some special methods of homeomorphism theory in infinite-dimensional topology. Anderson, R. D. |
39-41 | Point countable open coverings in countably compact spaces. Aquaro, G. |
42 | On some results concerning $k$-spaces. Arhangel'skii, Aleksander V. |
43-44 | Remarks on product spaces. Atsuji, M. |
45-51 | Paracompact subsets. Aull, C. E. |
52-55 | Projective covers in certain categories of topological spaces. Banaschewski, B. |
56-62 | A hereditarily infinite dimensional space. Bing, R. H. |
63-67 | Two classes of almost periodic functions on topological $T_0$-groups. Boseck, H. |
68-73 | Eine fixierte Kurve in $E^3$. Bothe, H. G. |
74-76 | Circumscribing convex sets. Bourgin, D. G.; Mendel, C. W. |
77-82 | Beziehungen zwischen gewissen Topologien in noetherschen Ringen. Budach, L. |
83-86 | Borel subsets of metric separable spaces. Bukovský, L. |
87-94 | Differential structures. Ciampa, S. |
95-100 | Locally compact realcompactifications. Comfort, W. W. |
101-102 | Syntopogene halbgruppen. Császár, Á. |
103-104 | Abgeschwächte Trennungsaxiome. Császár, K. |
105-106 | Richtungsräume und Richtungsdimension. Deák, E. |
107 | Order structures and topological structures. DeMarr, R. E. |
108-110 | Preclosed multivalued mappings. Dinh-Nho-Chuöng |
111-114 | On Urysohn's lemma. Dowker, C. H. |
115-117 | On finite $T_0$-spaces. Doyle, P. H. |
118-121 | Some new concepts of dimension and their generalization. Duda, R. |
122-128 | On separation and approximation of real functions defined on a Choquet simplex. Edwards, D. A. |
129-130 | Extremal disconnectedness and dyadicity. Efimov, B. |
131-132 | Quelques démonstrations nouvelles dans la théorie des ensembles boreliens. Engelking, R. |
133-139 | Über die Realisierung von Boole-Algebren als Boole-Algebren regulär offener Mengen. Flachsmeyer, J. |
140-141 | Baire sets which are Borelian subspaces. Frolík, Z. |
142-143 | Types of ultrafilters on countable sets. Frolík, Z. |
144-146 | The space $\beta N$ and the continuum hypothesis. Gillman, L. |
147-155 | Integration in topologischen Vektorräumen und lokal $p$-konvexen Algebren. Gramsch, B. |
156-160 | Über die Quotiententopologie als Spur der Potenz einer Topologie. Grimeisen, G. |
161-163 | The compactness operator in general topology. de Groot, J. |
164-170 | O компактификации пространств близости. Khadzhiivanov, N. |
171-175 | Homogene Topologien in Polynomringen. Haße, K. |
176-181 | Concerning a categorial approach to topological and algebraic theories. Hedrlín, Z.; Pultr, A.; Trnková, V. |
182-183 | Uniform dimension of mappings. Hejcman, J. |
184-189 | Gelfand-Naimark theorems for non-commutative topological rings. Hofmann, K. H. |
190-194 | Categorial methods in topology. Hušek, Miroslav |
195-199 | Отношения смежности и $H$-замкнутые расширния. Ivanova, V. M.; Ivanov, A. A. |
200-204 | Algebras of germs of Fourier transforms. Jerison, M. |
205-206 | Remarks on a theorem of B. Pospíšil. Juhász, I. |
207-216 | Convergence structures. Katětov, M. |
217-223 | Topological embeddings in Euclidean space. Keldyš, L. V.; Černavskij, A. V. |
224-225 | Characterization of Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of vector-valued measures. Kluvánek, I. |
226-228 | On convergence topologies. Koutník, V. |
229-234 | Über ein Konvergenzprinzip bei Spektralzerlegungen. Kuhnert, F. |
235 | On discontinuous selectors. Kuratowski, K. |
236-237 | On numerical and non-numerical ecart. Kurepa, D. |
238 | Некоторые свойства когомологических розмерностей компактов. Kuz'minov, V. I. |
239-240 | On quasi-components. Lelek, A. |
241-242 | Об одном свойстве нульмерных метрическх ространств. Levshenko, B.; Smirnov, J. M. |
243-245 | Zum Eigenwertproblem bei analytischen operatorwertigen Funktionen, deren Koeffizienten positive Operatoren sind. Maibaum, G. |
246-247 | Note sur les espaces de voisinages ($V$) et les ordres semi-topogènes. Mamuzić, Z. P. |
248-255 | On the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz problem in non-metric spaces. Mardešić, S. |
256-258 | A formal connection between projectiveness for compact and not necessarily compact completely regular spaces. Mioduszewski, J.; Rudolf, L. |
259-270 | A survey of dimension theory. Nagata, Jun-iti |
271-273 | Über die Potenzen $A^\alpha$ $(0\le\alpha\le1)$ eines abgeschlossenen Operators $A$ in einem Banachraum. Nollau, V. |
274-275 | Idealtopologien auf geordneten Mengen. Novotný, M. |
276-282 | Topological representation of semigroups. Paalman - de Miranda, A. B. |
283 | Two theorems of the descriptive theory of point sets. Ponomarev, V. |
284-289 | Ein Kompaktheitskriterium für Abbildungsräume mit einer verallgemeinerten uniformen Struktur. Poppe, H. |
290-294 | Компактные представления непрерывных алгебраических структур. Prodanov, I. |
295-296 | On measurable sets in topological spaces. Riečan, B. |
297-305 | Über die verallgemeinerten uniformen Strukturen von Morita und ihre Vervollständigung. Rinow, W. |
306-307 | Normale Zahlen und Bairesche Kategorien von Mengen. Šalát, T. |
308-319 | Symmetric approach to the fundamental notions of general topology. Schmidt, J. |
320-322 | Universal spaces. Schori, R. M. |
323-325 | A new dimension type. Segal, J. |
326-329 | Topologies compatible with ordering. Sekanina, M. |
330-331 | Sur une généralisation de la propriété de Darboux. Rehermann, C. Silva |
332-340 | Proximity and construction of compactifications with given properties. Smirnov, Yu. M. |
341-346 | The simple dimension of a topological space. Sobczyk, A. |
347-348 | Розмернось и мягкие пучки. Shvedov, I. A. |
349-352 | Normality and product spaces. Tamano, H. |
353-355 | Über eine Klasse Lokalkonvexer Räume. Tomášek, S. |
356-358 | Structure of Tchebychev sets. Wulbert, D. E. |
359-360 | О конечнократных отображениях. Zarelua, A. V. |
361-362 | Algebraic generalization of the topological theorems of Bolzano and Weierstrass. Zervos, S. P. |
363-365 | Contents. |