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Title: Multi-step-length gradient iterative method for separable nonlinear least squares problems (English)
Author: Cui, Hai-Rong
Author: Lin, Jing
Author: Su, Jian-Nan
Language: English
Journal: Kybernetika
ISSN: 0023-5954 (print)
ISSN: 1805-949X (online)
Volume: 60
Issue: 2
Year: 2024
Pages: 197-209
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: Separable nonlinear least squares (SNLLS) problems are critical in various research and application fields, such as image restoration, machine learning, and system identification. Solving such problems presents a challenge due to their nonlinearity. The traditional gradient iterative algorithm often zigzags towards the optimal solution and is sensitive to the initial guesses of unknown parameters. In this paper, we improve the convergence rate of the traditional gradient method by implementing a multi-step-length gradient iterative algorithm. Moreover, we incorporate the variable projection (VP) strategy, taking advantage of the separable structure observed in SNLLS problems. We propose a multi-step-length gradient iterative-based VP (Mul-GI-VP) method to solve such nonlinear optimization problems. Our simulation results verify the feasibility and high efficiency of the proposed algorithm. (English)
Keyword: separable nonlinear least squares
Keyword: multi-step-length gradient iterative method
Keyword: variable projection algorithm
Keyword: image restoration
MSC: 49M99
idZBL: Zbl 07893454
idMR: MR4757769
DOI: 10.14736/kyb-2024-2-0197
Date available: 2024-06-03T09:42:46Z
Last updated: 2025-01-30
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