Publisher: Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists
Publication place: Prague, Czech Republic
Description: Actuarial Science was a journal devoted to actuarial and mathematical statistics. It was published in the years 1929-1949 by the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists. The Editor-in-Chief was Emil Schoenbaum, a professor at the Charles University in Prague.
Description: Časopis Aktuárské vědy byl věnován pojistné matematice a matematické statistice. Vydávala ho v letech 1929-1949 Jednota československých matematiků a fyziků. Hlavním redaktorem byl Emil Schoenbaum, profesor Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.
Digitization of this journal was financed from the
project “Interdisciplinary education of junior historians of
mathematics” supported by a grant from Norway, contract no.