129-132 | On magnifying elements in grupoids. Šipoš, Ján |
133-139 | A note on the weak convergence of probability measures on $C(K,L)$. Rublík, František |
141-144 | Integrating bounded functions for the Dobrakov integral. Swartz, Charles |
145-147 | Domatic number and degrees of vertices of a graph. Zelinka, Bohdan |
149-152 | Goodwyn's theorem for sequential entropy on pseudocompact spaces. Komorníková, Magda; Komorník, Jozef |
153-163 | On measures and integrals with values in ordered groups. Riečan, Beloslav |
165-180 | On the face-vectors of trivalent convex polyhedra. Jendroľ, Stanislav |
181-183 | A note on equalities of radicals in a semigroup. Kmeť, František |
185-188 | О решетке радикалов конечнопорожденных $l$-групп. Medvedev, N. Ja. |
189-198 | Некоторые симплектические структуры на касательном и кокасательном пространстве. Husárik, František |
199-207 | Asymptotic densities of sets of positive integers. Šalát, Tibor; Tijdeman, Robert |
209-224 | Extensions of Bauer's identical congruences. Schwarz, Štefan |
225-229 | Semi-closed sets and the associated topology. Banerjee, Nanda Dulal; Bandyopadhyay, Chhanda |
231-235 | Remark on one-sided $A$-ideals of semigroups. Andréka, Hajnal; Németi, István; Šulka, Robert |