3-22 | Poproduct of lattices. Ladzianska, Zuzana |
23-34 | О невписуемости некоторых семейств полиэдров. Ševec, Sergej |
35-48 | Topology on regulators of lattice ordered groups. II: Completely regular regulators. Šik, František |
49-54 | On double covers of graphs. Zelinka, Bohdan |
55-60 | Тензорное произведение полугруппы и полугруппы идемпотентов. Galanová, Jana |
61-62 | A note on two comparability graphs. Johnson, C. S., Jr.; McMorris, F. R. |
63-73 | On multilattices with isomorphic graphs. Tomková, Mária |
75-79 | A simplified proof of the Daniell integral extension theorem in ordered spaces. Riečan, Beloslav |
81-84 | Enumeration of graphs maximal with respect to connectivity. Horák, Peter |
85-88 | Invariant measures. Mesiar, Radko |
89-92 | Note on the integral with respect to the pre-measure. Kolesárová, Anna |
93-96 | Direct decomposability of congruences in congruence-permutable varieties. Chajda, Ivan |
97-102 | On metrization of the uniformity of a product of metric spaces. Borsík, Ján; Doboš, Jozef |
103-104 | Book Reviews. |