81-99 | Likelihood ratio rank tests for the two-sample problem with randomly censored data. Behnen, Konrad; Neuhaus, Georg |
100-113 | Efficient estimation under constraints. Hipp, Christian |
114-119 | On stationarity of a multiple doubly stochastic model. Anděl, Jiří |
120-124 | Rank statistics for two-sample location and scale problem for rounded-off data. Vorlíčková, Dana |
125-150 | Design of observer based compensators: The polynomial approach. Hippe, Peter |
151-154 | On the penalty approximation of quadratic programming problem. Dostál, Zdeněk |
155-167 | A quadratic programming algorithm for large and sparse problems. Tůma, Miroslav |
168 | Nové knihy. |