(1)-9 | Niektoré aspekty kybernetických systémov. Petráš, Štefan |
(10)-19 | Goal-directed man-machine systems and human information processing capacity. Mashhour, Madjid |
(20)-36 | On the synthesis of a class of interpolating circuits. Přeučil, Miroslav |
(37)-58 | Criterion of the correctness of an analogue model of a system of differential and algebraic equations. Křemen, Jaromír; Soldán, Josef |
(59)-66 | On optimal fault-finding strategy of element-measurement method for systems with exactly one failure. Hanš, Otto; Kubát, Libor; Ullrich, Milan |
(67)-78 | On the physical and communication properties of a thermodynamical communication channel. Majerník, Vladimír |
79-81 | Recenze. |
82-86 | Přehled literatury. |