1-22 | Mathematical foundations of thermodynamics of ideal gas. Jůza, Miloslav |
23-35 | Interchangeability of unbounded operators: special criteria of transmutativity. Sova, Miroslav |
36-51 | Special Grassmann manifolds $V \sp 4 \sb 3$ in the projective space $P \sb 7$. Vala, Josef |
52-55 | A note on the computational complexity of computing the edge rotation distance between graphs. Křivánek, Mirko |
56-59 | The bigraph decomposition number of a graph. Zelinka, Bohdan |
60-73 | Compact imbedding of weighted Sobolev space defined on an unbounded domain. I. Opic, Bohumír |
74-79 | Note on the congruence lattice of a commutative separative semigroup. Pondělíček, Bedřich |
80-87 | Hypergraphs and intervals. III. Nebeský, Ladislav |
88-97 | K sedmdesátinám Miroslava Katětova. Frolík, Zdeněk |
98-100 | Životní jubileum docenta Nováka. Matušů, Josef |
101 | Další zprávy. |
102-112 | Recense. |