1-6 | On $f$-thin sets. Kostyrko, Pavel |
7-22 | Third boundary value problem for the heat equation. II. Dont, Miroslav |
23-29 | On skeletal and irreducible elements in tolerance lattices of finite distributive lattices. Niederle, Josef |
30-36 | A note on higher monotonicity properties of certain Sturm-Liouville functions. II. Háčik, Miloš; Oslej, Milan |
37-58 | Theory of Fréchet cones. Fabian, Marián |
59-68 | Infinite tree algebras. Zelinka, Bohdan |
69-89 | General representability problem for the Laplace transform of exponentially bounded vector-valued functions. Sova, Miroslav |
92-100 | Recense. |
101-103 | Zemřel akademik Vladimír Kořínek. Drbohlav, Karel |