$G$-space; equivariant map; pseudo-Euclidean geometry
There are four kinds of scalars in the $n$-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean geometry of index one. In this note, we determine all scalars as concomitants of a system of $m\le n$ linearly independent contravariant vectors of two so far missing types. The problem is resolved by finding the general solution of the functional equation $F( A\underset{1}{\rightarrow }{u},A \underset{2}{\rightarrow }{u},\dots ,A\underset{m}{\rightarrow }{u}) = \varphi \left( A\right) \cdot F( \underset{1}{\rightarrow }{u},\underset{2}{\rightarrow }{u},\dots ,\underset{m}{\rightarrow }{u})$ using two homomorphisms $\varphi $ from a group $G$ into the group of real numbers $\mathbb{R}_{0}=\left( \mathbb{R}\setminus \left\rbrace 0\right\lbrace ,\cdot \right)$.
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MR 1771671 |
Zbl 0966.53012