Sborník prací Přírodovědecké fakulty University Palackého v Olomouci. Matematika (1973-1982)
5-8 | Hereditary properties of algebras with respect to inductive limits. Molnár, Josef |
9-31 | Über angeordnete affine Klingenbergsche Ebenen, die sich in projektive Klingenbergsche Ebenen einbetten lassen. Machala, František |
33-35 | A characterization of ordered groups by means of segments. Rachůnek, Jiří |
37-42 | Zu einer Eigenschaft von Phasen der Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung. Hošek, Josef |
43-61 | Accompanying spaces to a linear two-dimensional space of continuous functions with a continuous first derivative. Kojecká, Jitka |
63-67 | To conjugacy functions of second order linear differential equations. Laitochová, Jitka |
69-78 | Higher monotonicity properties of $i$-th derivatives of solutions of $y'' + a(x) y' + b(x) y = 0$. Pavlíková, Elena |
79-85 | On a structure of the intersection of the set of dispersions of two second-order linear differential equations. Staněk, Svatoslav |
87-112 | The first conjugate point of solution of the $N$-th order iterated differential equation. Vlček, Vladimír |
113-118 | Derivations on the algebra of differential forms of higher order on a manifold. Carbol, Jaroslav; Vanžura, Jiří |
119-131 | Programming of differential equations with singularitiens of the type $\frac{0}{0}$ in using the extension to power series. Beneš, Karel |
133-147 | Increase of accuracy in machine computation of some differential equations having variable coefficients and of some nonlinear differential equations. Beneš, Karel |