hereditary torsion theory; torsion theory of finite type; Goldie's torsion theory; non-singular module; non-singular ring; precover class; cover class
One of the results in my previous paper {\it On torsionfree classes which are not precover classes\/}, preprint, Corollary 3, states that for every hereditary torsion theory $\tau$ for the category $R$-mod with $\tau \geq\sigma$, $\sigma$ being Goldie's torsion theory, the class of all $\tau$-torsionfree modules forms a (pre)cover class if and only if $\tau$ is of finite type. The purpose of this note is to show that all members of the countable set $\frak M = \{R, R/\sigma (R), R[x_1,\dots ,x_n], R[x_1,\dots ,x_n]/\sigma(R[x_1,\dots ,x_n]), n <\omega \}$ of rings have the property that the class of all non-singular left modules forms a (pre)cover class if and only if this holds for an arbitrary member of this set.
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