169-176 | Some remarks on the physical structure of energy-momentum tensors in general relativity. Hall, G. S. |
177-182 | Infinitesimal affine deformations of submanifolds of a Riemannian manifold. Hineva, S. T. |
183-186 | Deviation of two curvatures. Lešovský, Vladimír |
187-192 | Almost cosymplectic real hypersurfaces in Kähler manifolds. Olszak, Zbigniew |
193-199 | On some sheaves over a differential space. Sasin, Wiesław; Żekanovski, Zbigniew |
201-204 | Laplacian in general Riemannian structures. Waliszewski, Włodzimierz |
205-218 | Another approach to the classical calculus of variations. I. Chrastina, Jan |
219-220 | Term functions on non-Abelian groups of order $pq$. Lausch, Hans |
221-230 | Необходимые и достаточные условия несопряженности дифференциального уравнения $y''=qy$. Krbiľa, Jaroslav |