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[AK] ADÁMEK J., KOUBEK V.: On representations of ordered commutative semigroups. to appear in the Proceedings of Coll. on semigroups, held in Szeged in August 1976. MR 0541106
[B] BERGE C: Graphs and Hypergraphs. Norht Holland P.C. 1973. MR 0357172 | Zbl 0254.05101
[CH] CHANG C. C: Cardinal and ordinal multiplication of relation types. Proc. of Symposia in pure mathematics II. Lattice theory, Amer. Math. Soc. 1961, 123-128. MR 0130183 | Zbl 0108.01101
[KNR] KOUBEK V., NEŠETŘIL J., RODL V.: Representing groups and semigroups by products in categories of relations. Alg. Universalis 3 (1974), 336-341. MR 0357669
[L] LOVASZ L.: On the cancellation law among finite гelational structures. Periodica Math. Hung. 1 (1971), 145-156. MR 0284391
[McK] McKENZIE R.: Cardinal multiplication of structures with a reflexive relation. Fund. Math. 70 (1971), 59-101. MR 0280430 | Zbl 0228.08002
[Tr1] Trnková V.: On a representation of commutative semigroups. Semigroup Forum 10 (1975), 203-214. MR 0374312
[Tr2] Trnková V.: Isomorphism of products and representation of commutative semigroups. to appear in the Proceedings of Coll. on semigroups held un Szeged in August 1976. MR 0541143
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