577-587 | When a generalized algebraic category is monadic. Kůrková-Pohlová, Věra; Koubek, Václav |
589-602 | Free algebras and automata realizations in the language of categories. Adámek, Jiří |
603-609 | A weakly pseudocompact subspace of Banach space is weakly compact. Preiss, David; Simon, Petr |
611-614 | A remark on a factorization theorem. Křížková, Jitka; Vrbová, Pavla |
615-626 | Subsequential limits of fixed point sets. Ray, Barada K. |
627-630 | Hamiltonian circuits in cubic graphs. Ninčák, Ján |
631-653 | On extensions of full embeddings and binding categories. Rosický, Jiří |
655-664 | Each concrete category has a representation by $T_2$ paracompact topological spaces. Koubek, Václav |
665-678 | On categories determined by poset- and set-valued functors. Menu, Jan; Pultr, Aleš |
679-691 | Some remarks on non-separable Banach spaces with Markuševič basis. John, Kamil; Zizler, Václav E. |
693-716 | К теории вращения предельно компактных векторных полей. Potapov, Alexandr S. |
717-726 | Об эквивалентности $\tau_m$-грамматик и $Sb(n)$-грамматик. Alad'ev, Viktor |
727-744 | On the geometric characterization of differentiability. II. Durdil, Jiří |
745-765 | Sur des propriétés d'approximation des espaces de distributions. I. Jelínek, Jiří |
767-773 | Note about atom-categories of topological spaces. Hušek, Miroslav; Pelant, Jan |
775-779 | Fixed point theorems for compact and nonexpansive mappings on starshaped domains (Preliminary communication). Reinermann, Jochen; Stallbohm, Volker |
781-782 | Correction to my paper: “Tensor products in the category of convergence spaces” [Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 13 (1972), 693-709]. Pavelka, Jan |