Aplikace matematiky (1956-1990)
241-255 | A discrete theory of search. I. Vajda, Igor |
256-259 | Weierstrass $\wp$-function. Chrapan, Ján |
260-264 | Evaluation of the half-periods of the Weierstrass $\wp$-function for the absolute invariant greater than one. Chrapan, Ján |
265-288 | Some cases of numerical solution of differential equations describing the vortex-flow through three-dimensional axially symmetric channels. Feistauer, Miloslav |
289-296 | Die Ableitung einer Formel für die Polarabsteckung der Klothoide und die Fehlerveranschlagung. Budinský, Bruno; Novák, Zdeněk |
297-301 | A note on complexity of algorithmic nets without cycles. Čulík, Karel |
302-313 | Recense. |
314 | Zprávy. Sjezd absolventů. |
315-317 | Algoritmy. 23. MATROV. Řešení maticových rovnic typu $\mathbf X\mathbf A+{}'\mathbf A\mathbf X=\mathbf B$. Myslík, Jiří |
(318a)-(318b) | Summaries of Papers Appearing in this Issue. |