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[1] Birkhoff G.: Lattice Theory. rev. ed., New York, 1948. MR 0029876 | Zbl 0033.10103
[2] Birkhoff G.: Lattice Theory. Amer. Math. Soc. Coll. Publ. XXV, New York, 1940. MR 0227053 | Zbl 0063.00402
[3] Hájеk О.: Direct decompositions of lattices I. Czech. Math. Journ. 7 (82) (1957), 1-16. MR 0091265
[4] Dilworth R. P.: The structure of relatively complemented lattices. Ann. Math. 51, 2 (1950), 348-359. DOI 10.2307/1969328 | MR 0033795 | Zbl 0036.01802
[5] Maeda F.: Direct and subdirect factorisation of lattices. Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. A, 15 (1951-52), 97-102. MR 0060475
[6] Tanaka T.: Canonical subdirect factorisation of lattices. Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. A, 16 (1952-53), 239-246. DOI 10.32917/hmj/1557367260 | MR 0060476
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