Uživatelé TeXu používají v drtivé většině fonty ve formátu Adobe Type 1, případně fonty v METAFONTu. Bohužel, ne vždy je ten správný font v jednom z těchto formátů k dispozici. TrueType fonty nabízejí poměrně zajímavou alternativu k těmto zavedeným formátům.
TrueType and OpenType fonts have several advantages compared to the well-known Type 1 fonts, which have been used for years by TeX users. In this article a way how to use TrueType fonts with TeX for typesetting in Czech and Slovak language is presented. While instructions are specific for encoding XL2 and XT2 (which are compatible with ISO 8859-2), the encoding vectors can be easily modified to support other encodings, like Cork.
[3] zatím nic
[9] Inc., Adobe: PostScript Language Reference Manual. 3rd edition, Addison–Wesley Publishing, 1999
[10] Inc., Adobe: Adobe Type 1 Font Format. 3rd printing, Addison–Wesley Publishing, 1993
[17] Metha, Anish, Bella, Gábor, Haralambous, Yannis: Adapting Ω to OpenType Fonts. TUGBoat, Volume 24, 2003
[19] fontools package. CTAN: /fonts/utilities/fontools