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[14a] Heidel J. W.:
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[17a] Izjumova D. V.:
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MR 0361276
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MR 0594801
[18] Izjumova D. V., Kiguradze I. T.:
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MR 0227544
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MR 0142840
[20] Kamenev I. V.:
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MR 0277817
[21] Kartsatos A. G.:
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MR 0390369 |
Zbl 0327.34012
[22a] Kiguradze I. T.:
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MR 0181800
[22b] Kiguradze I. T.: On oscillation of solutions of some ordinary differential equations. (Russian), Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, 144, N1, 33-36.
[22c] Kiguradze I. T.:
On asymptotic properties of solutions of the equation $u" + a(t) | u |^n \sign u = 0$. (Russian), Soobšč. Akad. Nauk Gr. SSR, 1963, 30, N2, 129-136.
MR 0150385
[22d] Kiguradze I. T.:
On non-oscillatory solutions of the equation $u" + a(t) | u |^n \sign u = 0$. (Russian), Soobšč. Akad. Nauk Gr. SSR, 1964, 35, N1, 15-22.
MR 0166446
[22e] Kiguradze I. T.:
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Zbl 0135.14302
[22f] Kiguradze I. T.:
The problem of oscillation of solutions of non-linear differential equations. (Russian), Differentiaľnye Uravnenija, 1965, 1, N8, 995-1006.
MR 0196185
[22g] Kiguradze I. T.:
A note on boundedness of solutions of differential equations. (Russian), Trudy Tbilissk. Univ., 1965, 110, 103-108.
MR 0208089
[22h] Kiguradze I. T.:
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MR 0190459
[22i] Kiguradze I. T.:
A note on oscillation of solutions of the equation $u" + a(t) | u |^n \sign u = 0$. (Russian), Časopis Pěst. Mat., 1967, 92, N3, 343-350.
MR 0221012
[22j] Kiguradze I. T.:
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MR 0259212
[22k] Kiguradze I. T.:
On conditions of oscillation of solutions of non-lineary differential equations. (Russian), I, Differenciaľnye Uravnenija 1974, 10, N8, 1387-1399, II ibidum 1974, 10, N9, 1586-1594.
MR 0364755
[22l] Kiguradze I. T.:
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MR 0499402
[23] Kiguradze I. T., Chanturia T. A.:
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MR 0271481
[24] Klebanov L. B.:
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MR 0288362
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[27a] Kondratjev V. A.:
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MR 0104877
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MR 0141842
[28a] Koplatadze R. G.:
On oscillation of solutions of first order non-linear differential equations with retarded argument. (Russian), Soobšč. Akad. Nauk Gr. SSR, 1973, 70, N1, 17-20.
MR 0361369
[28b] Koplatadze R. G.:
On existence of oscillatory solutions of second order non-linear differential equations with retarded argument. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1973, 210, N2, 260-262.
MR 0320481
[28c] Koplatadze R. G.:
A note on oscillation of solutions of high order differential inequalities and equations with retarded argument. (Russian), DifFerenciaľnye Uravnenija, 1974, 10, N8, 1400-1405.
MR 0358026
[28d] Koplatadze R. G.:
On some properties of the solutions of non-linear differential inequalities and equations with retarded argument. (Russian), Differentiaľnye Uravnenija, 1976, 12, N11, 1971-1984.
MR 0466843
[29] Koplatadze R. G., Chanturia T. A.: On oscillatory solutions of functional-differential equations. (Russian), Tbilisi, Tbilisi Univ. Press, 1977.
[30] Kostin A. V.:
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MR 0296437
[31] Kuo-liang Chiou:
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MR 0301292
[32a] Kurzweil J.:
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MR 0350154
[34] Kvinikadze G. G.: Some notes on solutions of Kneser's problem. (Russian), Differenciaľnye Uravnenija, (to appear).
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MR 0333399 |
Zbl 0227.34053
[36] Ladas G., Lakshmikantham V., Papadakis J. S.:
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MR 0387776 |
Zbl 0273.34052
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MR 0161001
[38] Marušiak P.:
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MR 0466867
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[41a] Mirzov J. D.:
Concerning oscillation of solutions of a system of non-linear differential equations. (Russian), Mat. Zametki, 1974, 16, N4, 571-576.
MR 0374562
[41b] Mirzov J. D.:
On certain asymptotic properties of solutions of two-dimensional differential systems. Soobšč. Akad. Nauk Gr. SSR, 1975, 80, N3, 545-548.
MR 0407378
[41c] Mirzov J. D.:
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MR 0450679
[41d] Mirzov J. D.: Some notes on asymptotic behaviour of solutions of two-dimensional non-linear differential systems. Studies of certain equations of mathematical physics (Russian) Tbilisi, Tbilisi Univ. Press, 1976, 131-153.
[42] Mitropolsky I. A., Shevelo V. N.: On the progress of the theory of oscillation of solutions of differential equations with retarded argument. (Russian), Ukr. Mat. Ž., 1977, 29, N3, 313-323.
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[44] Naito M.:
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MR 0374614
[45] Nehari Z.:
A nonlinear oscillation problem. J. Different. Equat., 1969, 5, N3, 452-460.
MR 0235203 |
Zbl 0181.09702
[46] Půža B.:
On one comparison theorem for the system of two differential equations. (Russian), Differenciaľnye Uravnenija, 1977, 13, N7, 1336-1338.
MR 0499444
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MR 0025650
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MR 0173050 |
Zbl 0131.08902
[51a] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.:
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MR 0306638
[51b] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.: On asymptotic representation of oscillatory solutions of the perturbed equation of Emden-Fowler type. Studies of certain equations of mathematical physics (Russian), Tbilisi, Tbilisi Univ. Press, 1972, 5-15.
[51c] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.:
On asymptotic behaviour of oscillatory solutions of second order ordinary differential equations. (Russian), Differenciaľnye Uravnenija, 1975, 11, N7, 1232-1245.
MR 0377179
[51d] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.:
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MR 0591720
[51e] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.:
On one comparison theorem for linear differential equations. (Russian), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, ser. mat., 1976, 40, N5, 1128-1142.
MR 0432973
[51f] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.:
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MR 0477225
[51g] Čanturia (Chanturia) T. A.: Some notes on oscillation of solutions of differential equations with retarded argument. Differenciaľnye Uravnenija (to appear).
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MR 0165173
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MR 0199488