Emanovský, Petr:
Jak Frank Wilcoxon pomohl statistikům objevit neparametrické testy II.
(Czech) [How Frank Wilcoxon helped statisticians discover non-parametric tests II].
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 32
issue 3,
pp. 129-139
Palenčárová, Daša; Polomčáková, Anna:
Parametre vplývajúce na obtiažnosť kombinatorických úloh.
(Slovak) [Parameters affecting the difficulty of combinatorial problems].
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 21
issue 1,
pp. 16-29
Saxl, Ivan; Kvaszová, Milena:
Co neučíme, a měli bychom (a co učíme, ač bychom možná nemuseli).
(Czech) [What we do not teach and we should (and what we teach though maybe we should not)].
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 18
issue 3,
pp. 160-167
Saxl, Ivan; Kvaszová, Milena:
What we do not teach and we should (and what we teach though maybe we should not).
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 18
issue 2,
pp. 89-96
Hejný, Milan:
Aritmetické grafy.
(Czech) [Arithmetic graphs].
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 16
issue 4,
pp. 209-217
Koman, Milan:
Teorie grafů, Möbiův list a logo KMDM PeDF UK.
(Czech) [Graph theory, Möbius strip and the logo of KMDM PeDF UK].
Učitel matematiky,
vol. 16
issue 4,
pp. 197-208
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