Gropp, Harald:
Mathematics in Bosnia–Herzegovina.
Bečvářová, Martina; Binder, Christa: Mathematics in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Budapest on August 1, 2009 during the XXIII ICHST.
(English). Praha: Matfyzpress, 2010. 978-80-7378-114-9, pp. 75-80
Gropp, Harald:
The development of notation in graph theory in different languages.
Fuchs, Eduard (editor): Mathematics throughout the ages. Contributions from the summer school and seminars on the history of mathematics and from the 10th and 11th Novembertagung on the history and philosophy of mathematics, Holbaek, Denmark, October 28-31, 1999, and Brno, the Czech Republic, November 2-5, 2000.
(English). Praha: Prometheus, 2001. 80-7196-219-8, pp. 238-243
Gropp, Harald:
“Vielleicht für menschliche Kräfte unausführbar.” A mathematical proof of a Danish astronomer?.
Fuchs, Eduard (editor): Mathematics throughout the ages. Contributions from the summer school and seminars on the history of mathematics and from the 10th and 11th Novembertagung on the history and philosophy of mathematics, Holbaek, Denmark, October 28-31, 1999, and Brno, the Czech Republic, November 2-5, 2000.
(English). Praha: Prometheus, 2001. 80-7196-219-8, pp. 196-201