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Title: Prezentace v TEXu (Czech)
Title: Presentations in TeX (English)
Author: Prchal, Luboš
Author: Schlesinger, Pavel
Language: Czech
Journal: Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
ISSN: 1211-6661 (print)
ISSN: 1213-8185 (online)
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Year: 2008
Pages: 56-63
Summary lang: English
Category: informatics
Summary: In this article, the authors share their knowledge, notes and experience with the Beamer presentation class. The article includes installation notes and the first steps in Beamer, the pause command, <+->, + and - options, generating a title page and a table of contents. It also explains how to change the design of a presentation by setting \use*theme{value} and \setbeamer*{element {value}. In the conclusion of the article, the authors recommend BeamerGuide and a few internet resources for further reading. The Beamer template of the authors is published independently on their website and on the CSTUG server. (English)
Keyword: Presentation Creation
Keyword: Presentation Template
Keyword: Beamer Class
DOI: 10.5300/2008-1-2/56
Date available: 2022-04-13T09:58:26Z
Last updated: 2024-12-15
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] : . Šablony na Robust 2006. Zbl 1200.35170
Reference: [2] : . Stránky o LaTeXovém projektu Beamer.
Reference: [3] : Československé sdružení uživatelů TeXu. Stránky Československého sdružení uživatelu TEXu.
Reference: [4] : Stránky České statistické společnosti. Stránky České statistické společnosti.


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