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Title: Testování LM-fontů s ohledem na čs. sazbu (Czech)
Title: Latin Modern fonts testing with regard to the Czechoslovak typesetting requirements (English)
Author: Píška, Karel
Language: Czech
Journal: Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
ISSN: 1211-6661 (print)
ISSN: 1213-8185 (online)
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Year: 2008
Pages: 3-43
Summary lang: Czech
Category: informatics
Summary: CSTeX a CSLaTeX dostaly novou šanci. CSTUG dosud neměl k dispozici pokračovatele CM-fontů ve formátech Type 1 a OpenType. Prvním takovým kandidátem, v dostatečně úplném, kvalitním a optimalizovaném provedení, jsou fonty Latin Modern. CSTUG se proto připojil ke sponzorům jejich vývoje a následně podpořil formou grantu také testování této kolekce fontů z hlediska použití pro českou a slovenskou sazbu. Shrnutí těchto aktivit se věnuje tento dokument. (Czech)
Summary: This extended article presents grant outputs with the authors' major findings and results. It makes recommendations for changes to the LM-font creators after performing comparisons of fonts such as CM, LM, CS and EC in the Type 1 format. The article also makes comparisons based on metric and graphical data. The tested parameters were the widths of the letters, kernings, differences in LM, CS and CM fonts, and finally the technical quality of the glyphs. The tools used during the testing were FontForge and also MetaType1. The testing scripts were done in bash and AWK and are published on the author's websites. The authors proposed some changes to improve the actual state and they commented on this in depth and followed it up with illustrations and tables. They also presented their thoughts on the creation of a new OpenType font and rewriting testing scripts in LuaTEX. Some findings were presented at BachoTeX 2006, EuroTeX 2006 and the EuroBachoTeX 2007 conferences and their proceedings have been published. (English)
DOI: 10.5300/2008-1-2/3
Date available: 2022-04-13T09:57:11Z
Last updated: 2024-12-15
Stable URL:
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