arc graph; chromatic number; free distributive lattice; Dedekind number
The arc graph $\delta(G)$ of a digraph $G$ is the digraph with the set of arcs of $G$ as vertex-set, where the arcs of $\delta(G)$ join consecutive arcs of $G$. In 1981, S. Poljak and V. Rödl characterized the chromatic number of $\delta(G)$ in terms of the chromatic number of $G$ when $G$ is symmetric (i.e., undirected). In contrast, directed graphs with equal chromatic numbers can have arc graphs with distinct chromatic numbers. Even though the arc graph of a symmetric graph is not symmetric, we show that the chromatic number of the iterated arc graph $\delta^k(G)$ still only depends on the chromatic number of $G$ when $G$ is symmetric. Our proof is a rediscovery of the proof of [Poljak S., {Coloring digraphs by iterated antichains}, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. {32} (1991), no. 2, 209-212], though various mistakes make the original proof unreadable.
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Graphs and Homomorphisms. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 28, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.
MR 2089014
[6] McHard R. W.:
Sperner Properties of the Ideals of a Boolean Lattice. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Riverside, 2009.
MR 2718021
[7] Poljak S.:
Coloring digraphs by iterated antichains. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 32 (1991), no. 2, 209–212.
MR 1137780