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[1] BALCERZYK S., MYCIELSKI J.: On the existence of frее subroups in topological groups. Fundam. Math. 44, 1957, 303-308. MR 0094417
[2] BROOKS M. S., MORRIS S. A., SAXON S. A.: Gеnеrating variеtiеs of topological groups. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 18, 1973, 191-197.
[3] CHEN S., MORRIS S. A.: Variеtiеs of topological groups gеnеratеd by Liе groups. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 18, 1972, 49-53. MR 0323958
[4] DIESTEL J., MORRIS S. A.: Rеmarks on variеtiеs of linеar topological spacеs. J. London Math. Soc. (to appеar).
[5] DIESTEL J., MORRIS S. A., SAXON S. A.: Variеtiеs of locally convеx topological vеctor spacеs. Bull. Amеr. Math. Soc. 77, 1971, 799-803. MR 0282188
[6] DIESTEL J., MORRIS S. A., SAXON S. A.: Variеtiеs of linеar topological spacеs. Trans. Amеr. Math. Soc. 172, 1972, 207-229.
[7] GRAEV M. J.: Frее topological groups. Izvеstiya Akad. Nauk. SSSR Sеr Mat. 12, 1948, 279-324 (Russian). English transl., Amеr. Math. Soc. Translation no 35, 61 pp., 1951. Rеprint, Amеr. Math. Soc. Transl., 1, 8, 1962, 305-364.
[8] GROSSER S., MOSKOVITZ M.: Compactnеss conditions in topological groups. J. rеine angеw. Math. 246, 1971, 1-40. MR 0284541
[9] HIGMAN G.: Unrеstrictеd frеe products and variеtiеs of topological gгoups. J. London Math. Soc. 27, 1952, 73-81. MR 0045730
[10] MORRIS S. A.: Vaгiеtiеs of topological groups. Bull. aust. Math. Soc. 1, 1969, 145-160. MR 0259010
[11] MORRIS S. A.: Variеtiеs of topological groups II. Bull. aust. Math. Soc. 2, 1970. 1-13.
[12] MORRIS S. A.: Variеtiеs of topological groups III. Bull. aust. Math. Soc. 2, 1970, 165-178. MR 0382537
[13] MORRIS S. A.: Variеtiеs of topological groups. Bull. aust. Math. Soc. 3, 1970, 429-431. MR 0259011
[14] MORRIS S. A.: Frее products o topological groups. Bull. aust. Math. Soc. 4, 1971, 17-29. MR 0274647
[15] MORRIS S. A.: Frее compact abеlian groups. Mat. čas. 22, 1972, 141-147. MR 0313448
[16] MORRIS S. A.: On variеtiеs of topological groups generated by solvable groups. Colloq. math. 25, 1972, 67-69. MR 0330340
[17] MORRIS S. A.: Locally compact abelian groups and the variety of topological groups generated by thе rеals. Proc. Amеr. Math. Soc. 34, 1972, 290-292. MR 0294560
[18] MORRIS S. A.: Just non-singly generated varieties of locally convex spaces. Colloq. Math. (to appear). MR 0336273 | Zbl 0285.46004
[19] MORRIS S. A.: A topological group characterization of those locally convex spaces having their weak topology. Math. Ann. 195, 1972, ЗЗ0-ЗЗ1. MR 0295034
[20] MORRIS S. A.: Locally comp et groups and ß-variеtiеs of topological groups. Fundam. math. 78, 1973, 23-20. MR 0430133
[21] MORRIS S. A.: Varieties of topological groups generated by maximally almost peгiodic groups. Fundam. math. (to appear).
[22] MORRIS S. A.: Maximally almost periodic groups and varieties of topological groups. Fundam. Math. 83, 4 197 Zbl 0275.22003
[2З] MORRIS S. A.: Varieties of topological groups generated by solvable and nilpotent gтoups. Colloq. math. 27, 1973, 211-213. MR 0327969
[24] MORRIS S. A.: Varieties of topological groups and left adjoint functors. J. aust. Math. Soc. 1973. MR 0333059 | Zbl 0274.22003
[25] NEUMANN H.: Variеtiеs of groups. Ergеbnissе dеr Mathеmatik und ihrеr Grеnzgеbiеtе, Band 37, Springеr-Vеrlag, Bеrlin-Hеidеlbеrg, Nеw York, 1967.
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