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[1] Beineke L. W.: Topological aspects of complete graphs, Theory of graphs. Proc. Colloq. Tihany, Hungary 1966, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1968, 19-26. MR 0232702
[2] Zarankiewicz K.: On a problem of P. Turán concerning graphs. Fund. Math. 41 (1955), 137-145. MR 0063641
[3] Guy R. K.: A combinatorial problem. Bull. Malayan Math. Soc. 1 (1960), 68-72.
[4] Harary R., Hill А.: On the number of crossings in a complete graph. Proc. Edin. Math. Soc., 2 (1962-63), 333-338. MR 0163299
[5] Blažеk J., Koman M.: A minimal problem concerning complete plane graphs, Theory of graphs and its applications. Proc. Symp. Smolеnicе 1963, Praquе 1964, 113-117. MR 0174042
[6] Saaty T. L.: On thе minimum number of intersections for complete graphs. Proc. Nat. Аcad. Sci., USА 50 (1964), 688-690. MR 0166772
[7] Moon J. W.: On the distribution of crossings in random complete graphs. SIАM J. Аppl. Math. 13 (1965), 506-510. MR 0179106 | Zbl 0132.40305
[8] Guy R. K., Jеnkyns T., Schaеr J.: The toroidal crossing number of complete graph. J. Comb. Thеory, 4 (1968), З76-З90. (Thе Univеrsity of Calgary, Rеsеarch papеr 18 (1967), 1-20.) MR 0220630
[9] Blažеk J., Koman M.: On an extremal problem concerning graphs. Commеntationеs Math. Univ. Carolinaе 8 (1967), 49-52. MR 0210620
[10] Koman M.: Zobecnӗní problémů P. Erdöse a P. Turána pro úplné k-grafy a Generalisation of a problem of P. Erdès and P. Turán for complete k-graphs). Dissеrtation, MÚ ČSАV, Praguе 1967.
[11] Blažеk J., Koman M.: Průsečíkové číslo k-chromatických grafû (The crossing number of complete k-chromatic graphs). Sborník Pеd. fak. v Prazе - Matеmatika, to appеar.
[12] Harborth H.: unpublishеd.
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