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1. O. Birkhoff: Lattice theory. New York, 1948 (Teorija struktur, Moskva, 1952). Zbl 0033.10103
2. L. M. Kelly: The geometry of normed lattices. Duke Math. J. 19 (1952), 661-669. MR 0051533 | Zbl 0048.02401
3. V. Glivenko: Géométrie des systémes de choses normées. Amer. Journal of Math. 58 (1936), 799-828. MR 1507203 | Zbl 0015.24302
4. V. Glivenko: Contribution a l'étude des systémes de choses normées. Amer. Journal of Math. 59 (1937), 941-956. MR 1507294 | Zbl 0017.33901
5. K. Pitcher M. F. Smiley: Transitivities of betweeness. Trans. of the Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (1942), 95-114. MR 0007099
6. M. Kolibiar: K vztahom ,,medzi" vo sväzoch. Matem.-fyz. časopis SAV, V, 1955.
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