Author: Neuberg, Jiří
Neuberg, Jiří:
Universality of the best determined terms method.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 24
issue 6,
pp. 401-405
Neuberg, Jiří:
Some limit properties of the best determined terms method.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 21
issue 3,
pp. 161-167
Neuberg, Jiří:
Some stochastic properties of the best determined terms method.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 21
issue 5,
pp. 317-326
Škoda, Petr; Neuberg, Jiří:
Algoritmy. 30. BRYAN. Bryanova metoda pro výpočet charakteristického polynomu matice.
(Czech) [Algorithms. 30. BRYAN. Bryan's method for calculation of characteristic polynomial of a matrix].
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 18
issue 2,
pp. 137-139
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